
Industry Symposium on Photonic Sensing

We are pleased to announce the Industry Symposium on Photonic Sensing, to be held on Wednesday, September 4th, 2024, at OST in Buchs (SG).

Renowned speakers in the field of photonic sensing will present on a broad range of topics, including fiber optics sensing, environmental and biological sensing, photonic integrated circuits, biosensing by photonic metasurfaces, cavity quantum optomechanics, nanosecond pulsed mid-infrared lasers, and quantum communication and computing.

As the joint organizing committee, OST and Swissphotonics look forward to welcoming you to Buchs (SG). Join us at this event where attendees and speakers alike can benefit from a rich network, exchange ideas, and gain insight into new trends, measurement methodologies, and research findings.


13:30From chipscale frequency combs to next generation integrated photonic circuits based lasers, amplifiers and modulators
Prof. Tobias Kippenberg, EPFL
14:15Applications of short-pulsed mid-infrared lasers – cold ablation with nanosecond pulses
Dr. Gabriel Spuehler, Glucoloop AG
14:30Superconducting single-photon detection for quantum communication and quantum computing applications
Dr. Felix Bussières, ID Quantique SA
14:45Coffee break
15:15Challenges to commercialize new photonic sensing technologies
Dr. Daniel Brau, Miraex
15:30Dr. Antoine Muller, AlpesLasers S.A.
15:45Miniaturization of optical sensor systems through photonic integration using PCB embedded optical waveguides
Dr. Nikolaus Flöry, vario-optics AG
16:00Tunable and mass-fabrication compatible all-dielectric metasurfaces for mobile sensing applications
Dr. Emanuel Lörtscher, IBM,
16:15End of Event


OST Campus Buchs
Werdenbergstrasse 4, 9470 Buchs, Schweiz

Map location

OST Campus Buchs
Werdenbergstrasse 4
9470 Buchs


Date: 04.09.2024, 13:30 – 16:30

OST Campus Buchs
Werdenbergstrasse 4, 9470 Buchs, Schweiz
Map location

Price: Free of charge

OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule

Event Partner:
Switzerland Innovation Park Ost
EMPA Materials Science and Technology


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