13.30 | Welcome and Introduction to Materials IQ Dr. Marcus Morstein, Hightech Zentrum Aargau AG and Dr. Jörg Güttinger, Association NTN Innovative Surfaces |
13.40 | Introduction to the Workshop Topic Prof. Dr. Patrik Hoffmann, Empa, Thun |
13.50 | Development and testing in extreme tribological environments Dr. Ewald Badisch, AC2T Research GmbH, AT-Wiener Neustadt |
14.10 | Sliding bearing for oscillating movement at high loads David Guillaume-Gentil & Carles Sagués Mitjana, Bobst SA, Lausanne |
14.30 | Moving accurately, sensing precisely, living longer – On the importance of friction models for industrial robotics Dr. Arne Wahrburg, ABB AG, DE-Ladenburg |
14.50 | Tribological challenges in high-voltage switchgears Dr. Moritz Böhm, Hitachi Energy Ltd., Zürich |
15.20 | Break |
15.50 | Mastering extreme conditions: The wheel-rail contact Dr. Rowena Crockett, Empa, Dübendorf |
16.10 | DLC coatings for extreme tribological conditions in modern automotive components Dr. Emanuel Tack, Oerlikon Surface Solutions AG, LI-Balzers |
16.30 | Tribological questions and surprises in fractional horsepower electrical drives and gears Max Erick Busse-Grawitz, maxon international ag, Sachseln Dr. Mathis Trachsel, maxon motor ag, Sachseln |
16.50 | Discussion all participants |
17.20 | Wrap-Up, Next Steps Materials IQ Team |
17.30 | Apéro Riche and Networking |
Badenerstrasse 13, 5200 Brugg, Schweiz
Badenerstrasse 13
Datum: 01.09.2022, 13:30 – 17:30
Freie Plätze: 7 / 80
Anmeldefrist: 30.08.2022
Badenerstrasse 13, 5200 Brugg, Schweiz
Karte Veranstaltungsort
Raum: Aula
Preis: Kostenlos
Materials IQ aims to serve as a co-creation platform along value chains to develop concrete opportunities through the smart use of advanced manufacturing processes and new materials.
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