Die nanoRoadshow des Clusters Nanotechnologie präsentiert Ihnen kurz und knapp ein neues Nanotechnologie-Thema und beleuchtet dies genauer aus der Perspektive je zweier Expert_innen. Diskutieren Sie mit, stellen Sie Ihre Fragen und erfahren Sie mehr über das Potenzial der Nanotechnologie.
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Climate change poses a fundamental threat to people’s livelihoods. In order to stop climate change, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, like carbon dioxide, has to be reduced drastically. Besides CO2 capture, smart approaches to energy capture are of great interest as well. In both cases, adsorption processes can be applied successfully. In these processes, solid adsorbents such as zeolites and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are used. Hence, a fundamental understanding of the sorption properties of solid adsorbents in the dry and humid environment plays an important role in developing systems. In addition, it is vital to consider heat released by the adsorption process because it will influence the overall process regarding the energy cost which is required to control a column temperature and the cost of energy for adsorbents regeneration.
Join us as our experts explain promising approaches to CO2 capture from their individual perspectives in research and device development.
Experts: Prof. Daryl Williams an Dr. Vladimir Martis
Datum: 20.05.2022, 11:00 – 12:00
Preis: 40 EUR
Cluster Nanotechnologie