
SI Tech4Impact Initiative – Call for Proposals 2021

The objective of the “Switzerland Innovation Tech4Impact Initiative” is to facilitate and promote the devel-opment of ground-breaking innovation projects that focus on real market applications in collaboration with Swiss universities as well as entrepreneurs and SMEs collaborating with research/academic partners.

This initiative is led by Switzerland Innovation supported by innovation partners, i.e. ABB, Credit Suisse, Die Mobiliar, Economiesuisse, Interpharma, Schindler, Swiss Re Foundation, Swisscom, UBS, Zurich. The program is powered by the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Tech4Impact.

This second Call for Proposals focuses on solutions that have the potential to tackle the following SDGs:

●    SDG 3 Good health and well-being
●    SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy
●    SDG 9 Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
●    SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities
●    SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production
●    SDG 13 Climate action

The program is open exclusively to:

  • research groups from Swiss universities
  • postdocs and PhD students (no masters or bachelor students)
  • scientific staff from University of Applied Sciences or Research Institute
  • spin-offs and early-stage startups linked to a university* research group
  • SMEs with an innovation project to be carried out in cooperation with a research partners

* Including Universities of Applied Sciences and Research Institutes

To qualify for a grant, the proposed project must:

  • deal with a technological innovation
  • address a pressing social, economic, and/or environmental problem in at least one of the six predefined Sustainable Development Goals
  • achieved TRL 4 but not exceed the maturity level of TRL 7 according to theTechnology Readiness Level (TRL) system
  • provide evidence of cooperation with one of the innovation parks of Switzerland Innovation

Applications open until 15 July.

For more information, visit


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